Surrey Planning for Growth on Scott Road Corridor
February 3, 2023By Mike Harrison
The City of Surrey has launched a planning study for the Scott Road Corridor as one of Surrey’s latest transit-supportive secondary land use plans. Currently, development within the corridor is managed on a case-by-case basis without a guiding plan but being part of Translink’s Frequent Transit Network and slated to receive an upgraded R6 RapidBus, the new Scott Road Corridor plan will ensure future growth is organized, cohesive and supportive of rapid transit.
The plan boundary (see image below) stretches from approximately 72 Avenue and King George Boulevard in the southeast, along 72 Avenue’s future RapidBus route up Scott Road to the south boundary of the South Westminster NCP.

The planning study is in the early stages, developing a vision and establishing priorities but you can check out the results of last Falls community engagement session at THIS LINK. By Spring, the City expects to have a draft of the planning study document to share with the community for feedback. It’s not until the Summer of this year that we will see any detail on the future land use plans within the Scott Road Corridor study area. Initial forecasts are working towards plan completion by the end of 2023 but it’s worth noting that this planning study is only for the Scott Road – 72 Avenue General Land Use Plan (GLUP). The GLUP will form the foundation for a series of Neighbourhood Concept Plans (NCPs) along the corridor which will contain the final details of neighbourhood planning. The Scott Road corridor plan area is large enough that City staff anticipates the creation of as many as five NCPs to which the following areas have been noted for consideration:
- 96 Avenue and 120 Street
- Nordel Way and 120 Street
- 80 Avenue and 120 Street
- Strawberry Hill (72 Avenue and 120 Street), and
- Kwantlen Polytechnic University (72 Avenue & 126 Street)
You can follow along with the City’s progress and participate in future community engagement surveys by regularly visiting the City’s “Imagine Scott Road Visioning” webpage HERE.
City’s staff’s original corporate report, providing background and rationale for the study area, can be found at THIS LINK.
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